Cyclades Olive Museum

We will be glad to welcome and guide you!

Few words about our Museum

Original features of the building, including three mill-stones, two stone milling plates and other structural details show that the mill was in use much earlier than the 18th century, with some elements dating back more than 400 years.

The owner, Dimitris Chelmis, personally guides visitors around the mill, explaining all the stages of the oil production process: the animal powered mill in one room, the cleverly engineered press in another, and finally the storage room where temperatures were naturally regulated by the design and construction of its massive walls. 
The finer details of “extra virgin” and “cold pressed” olive oil are clearly explained and visitors will never look at olive oil the same way again.

Finally, seated in the cool of the mill’s ancient storage cellar, visitors are invited to watch a video showing the restored mill once again producing olive oil in the traditional way, with its original equipment.

The museum not only gives visitors a new perspective on the olive oil they use every day; it also provides an unforgettable glimpse into the life of a Cycladic island village.

Tripadvisor has ranked our museum for several years among the TOP 10 ATTRACTIONS IN GREECE. 


Ask us about the museum. We will be glad to hear from you at +306932731776

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